Hail, High Wind, and Tornado Event Reporting.
Explore a vast database of weather events, including hail, high winds, and tornadoes. Our resources combine NOAA (NWS) land-based observations, advanced radar data, and firsthand eyewitness accounts, spanning multiple years. WeatherStrike doesn't just report the weather; we bring weather history to your doorstep.
Simply input any U.S. address or geolocation, and let WeatherStrike illuminate your property's weather history. Discover significant weather events specific to your location, delivering insights relevant to your precise needs.
At the heart of WeatherStrike is our commitment to accuracy. By exclusively using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that are verified through Federal Quality Control Standards, we ensure each report you receive is not just detailed, but reliably precise.
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Set 7-year Date Range
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Real Weather, Real Impact
What am I purchasing?
WeatherStrike reports provide weather data from NOAA/NWS Products for Hail, Wind and Tornadoes that occurred near a specific property site over a date range in chronological order (oldest event to most recent event). This weather data is typically used to determine when a “Severe” weather event occurred at or near the specific property site causing damage to the building envelope.
What is a WeatherStrike report for?
WeatherStrike reports provide weather data for a specific property site as a starting point to help determine the dates when a “Severe” weather event occurred causing damage to the building envelope.
How much does WeatherStrike cost?
WeatherStrike offers two report formats for different costs.
$49.95 per Basic Report, for a maximum date range of 7 years. A Basic Report contains summarized data in a chart format for the following NWS weather products:
$74.95 per Complete Report, for a maximum date range of 7 years plus a second 3 day Refined Report within the 7 years date range. A Complete Report contains all of the Basic Report (data summarized in a chart format) + detailed data for the following NWS weather products:
A WeatherStrike report aggregates data across a date range of your choosing down to a single
day. The maximum date range per report is 7 years. The following pre-paid options offer savings over purchasing reports individually:
Basic Reports
Complete Reports